Public Speaking Courses in VR: Take your Virtual Orator experience to the next level
Virtual Orator was built as a highly flexible tool for realistic public speaking practice, tailored to your situation and need. The trainer or user has control of many settings: venue, audience size, audience behavior patterns, slides, notes, feedback, and more. The introduction of courses to Virtual Orator takes this flexibility and bundles it into a learning progression.
Courses provide a framework for the development of skills and progressive reduction of anxiety. Each individual task of the course can target specific aspects of public speaking and the session created so it supports the training. Exposure to progressively more challenging situations helps learners gain confidence and reduce anxiety.
Courses help your employees or clients on their journey to becoming a great speaker.
The use of Virtual Reality in the Learning and Development (L&D) world has been growing. Many big companies have already entered the world of VR, buying headsets and exploring learning alternatives. The virtual world gives ongoing training with added safety. While especially important with physically dangerous tasks, the social safety afforded by VR public speaking training is on of its key powers.
The impact of the feeling of failure in tasks such as public speaking isn’t physically harmful, but it can be devastating. Devastating to the point when you can’t do it anymore. In some edge cases, you can develop a form of PTSD. That’s why the idea of a safe environment to practice is so important.
Besides that, it is more effective training since VR can increase your anxiety levels. This way you will be actually working on them. Also, don’t forget that this audience will never get tired or give up listening to you. As such, we decided to give some extra perks to Virtual Orator users.
Public speaking is one of the biggest fears people have, but it is a necessary skill to develop your career. It’s proven that the best way to improve is training, and the only way to overcome your fear is by doing it!
There are different options to train your skills, but they are expensive and very inefficient use of time. With VR, you always have an audience willing to listen to you.
The goal of the courses is to help you give some structure to the path of improving your public speaking. This way, Virtual Orator is now capable of offering you different courses, depending on the industry and the specific goals to reach. These courses can be customized, either by your training leadership or with the help of our team.
Each step has a goal and performance evaluation criteria that will be available at the beginning of a session to guide you. Course can be done as an individual journey or coupled with trainer guidance to optimize effectiveness.
The Beginner’s Journey is the first course we’ve created, and it was designed as a good basis for employees across all enterprises! It will grow their confidence from scratch.
It begins with the most basic presentation possible — a 2-minute presentation about yourself. Then, step by step, they’ll be building their confidence and skills until the last challenge: a small theater full of people!
The Beginner’s Journey is ideal even for those so scared of public speaking that barely tries it. It gives them the virtual safe space to train, with structured steps that will gradually increase the difficulty, to make them comfortable every step of the way.
You can adjust each step to your needs and even build more steps to fit your L&D needs. It is the perfect course to start your training, before the upcoming courses we’ll have for you.
Need integration to your LMS? We’ve recently delivered our first integration using our Beginner’s Journey Course. Contact us to start discussing your needs.
Good practical training has a purpose and specific goals. You can set them up yourself, but, sometimes you need that extra motivation.
By reaching goals that were not set by yourself, you’ll not be as scared that you’ve been too easy on yourself. Instead, the courses give you a specific path to fulfill, knowing that you’ll be more confident in the end. And you can get all of that in the safety of Virtual Reality.